Monday, 29 July 2013

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 403

The Winterbourne scandal has not left our conciousness; charities are warning that the initiative, post Winterbourne, to move learning disabled out of hospitals is excluding a great number of disabled.  In Bulletin No. 403 there are futher articles that cover the wide range of learning disabilities

Monday, 22 July 2013

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 402

There is a large section this week in Bulletin No. 402 on eating disorders. There is a new systematic review on the effect of motivation on treatment outcome. There were two articles on the parent equation in eating disorders; one focussing on the relationship with the therapist and the other examined the difference between parent-child reporting of symptom severity. Back at the Depatment of Health a consultation has been launched to help resolve the problem of a fair funding system for social care.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 401

A new charity: MindFull, which provides online counselling to 11- 17 year olds, is urging schools to put mental health on the timetable. Their first report emphasises that not enough is being done to support teenage children. Meanwhile NHS Western Isles, at the other end of the age spectrum, is delivering dementia care via robots to sufferers in remote areas. Also on dementia in Bulletin 401 is the news that hospitals fail to make adequate tests on patients with dementia.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Monday, 1 July 2013

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 399

An Alcohol Matrix has been developed to help commissioners and practitioners get easy access to research that will support them in their alcohol treatment services. The Substance Misuse Skills Consortium has been quoted as saying that this is a key resource. Bulletin 399 has access to this information and much much more, including news on social care provision.