Monday, 29 October 2012

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 367

The Publication section in Bulletin No. 367  has seven reports this week, ranging from information on self harm, dementia, care homes to drug use

Friday, 19 October 2012

Mental Health & Social Bulletin No. 366

All the usual sections in Bulletin no. 366  including the publications section where a new report from the Centre for Mental Health on effective family interventions can be found.   A chance to change: delivering effective famiily programmes to transform lives "sets out the findings of a project on the implementation of evidence-based parenting programmes for children with, or at risk of developing, serious behavioural problems"

Monday, 15 October 2012

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 365

Bulletin 365, as well as all the usual sections, contains two reports on the effects of high alcohol intake. The first report: Over the Limit: The Truth about Families and Alcohol from the charity 4Children highlights the drinking habits of middle class parents behind closed doors. The second report from Alcohol Concern is in the form of an interactive map: Alcohol Harm Map, which allows you to see the statistics for alcohol usage in different parts of the country

Monday, 8 October 2012

Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin No. 364

In Bulletin 364 you can find information from the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse regarding illegal drug use in England. Among other statistics included is: the number of 18 -25 adults seeking treatment has dropped; which is taken to mean that the number of addicts is in this age group is decreasing