Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Mental Health Bulletin No. 359

Bulletin No. 359 is another large edition with all the usual sections. In the publications section is a new report from the Department for Communities and Local Government: Making every contact count: a joint approach to preventing homelessness  which will be of interest to everyone in both mental health and social care

Monday, 20 August 2012

Mental Health Bulletin No. 358

Bulletin No. 358 is a bumper issue and includes no less than three NICE consultations: dementia, looked after children and conduct disorders in children. Also large sections on all the usual specialities

Monday, 13 August 2012

Mental Health Bulletin No. 357

Reports abound this week following the investigation of Winterbourne View. South Gloucestershire council initiated an independent serious case review. Hot on it's heels Mencap has published a report Out of Sight on the abuse and neglect of people with learning disabilities. Read all this and more in this week's bulletin, no. 357

Monday, 6 August 2012

Mental Health Bulletin No. 356

All quiet on the Department of Health front this week. Quite a few interesting news items on children's mental health and services. For all this and all aspects of mental health and social care download bulletin no. 356