Monday, 31 October 2011

Mental Health Bulletin No. 322

EPHRU Library has published the latest edition no. 322, of the mental health and social care bulletin. Another week's round-up of the news, research, publications and conferences

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Mental Health Bulletin No. 321

The latest edition. no. 321, of the mental health and social care current awareness bulletin is available ahead of schedule. This weekly round has news, research, publications and conferences on all aspects of mental health and social care.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Social phobia a reality

A US study of teenagers published in the journal Pediatrics, concludes that social phobia is a bona fide serious mental condition rather than just shyness.The authors point out that this condition can occur in people who are not naturally shy in other ways. They hope this research will dispel the myth that social phobia is a made up condition.

Read the full article
Read the original abstract

Friday, 14 October 2011

Mental Health Bulletin No. 320

The 320th issue of the Mental Health & Social Care Bulletin is now available to download. Go to the Local Additions section for information about free mental health iPhone apps

Double boost to fight stigma

The long running campaign that aims to stamp out the stigma attached to mental illness, Time to Change, has received a £20 million injection. The Department of Health has pledged £16 million and Comic Relief has also donated £4 million. The care services minister made the announcement on Monday 10th October, World Mental Health Day.

Read the full article

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Lack of mental health sevices for female prisoners

A joint inspection by probation, prisons and Crown Prosecution Service inspectorates has found that community mental services for female prisoners are extremely poor and in 53% of cases services were unsatisfactory

Read the full article

Monday, 10 October 2011

World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health day. Visit the WFMH site

Mental Health Bulletin No. 319

The 319th edition of the mental health and social care bulletin is published today. Crammed with up todate information and research. 8 new publications included

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Class A Drug treatment declines

The number of people beginning treatment for dependancy on cocaine and heroin fell substantially from 2008/9 numbers according to the National Treatment Agency for Substance Abuse. The greatest decline was in the under 30's age group. This has been seen as a positive indiction of the way drug dependancy is being dealt with and not a lack of services precluding addicts from gaining help

Read the full article
Read the report

Monday, 3 October 2011

Mental Health Bulletin No. 318

The 318 issue of the Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin is out today. It is packed with all the usual topics in both the research and news sections. The website page has been revamped. There are new conferences too.

Read the bulletin