Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A new dedicated clinic for Club Drugs

A new clinic dedicated to combating addiction to "Club" drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine has opened up in West London at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. A similar clinic was opened in 2009 at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLAM). It is hoped that the new clinic will be instrumental in preventing users of club drugs from progressing onto cocaine and heroin

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More say for the Learning Disabled needed

Mencap has criticised the ability of health professionals to understand, due to a lack of adequate training, the Mental Capacity Act and to then apply it to people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). As a direct result people with PMLD have too little involvement in the decision-making surrounding their care. After a three year collaboration with four other services Mencap have now published a guidance toolkit on their website: Involve Me

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