Thursday, 28 July 2011

Teenage abstinence or economy of truth?

Figures released by by the NHS Information Centre reveal that there has been a decrease in smoking, drinking and drug taking by teenagers. The data for 2009-2011 was procured from a survey conducted on 7,264 11- 15 year olds from 246 schools

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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Antidepressant use on the increase

The Office of National Statistics has released Social Trends 41. Included in this comprehensive set of data is mental health information. The report gives figures that show the use of antidepressants has risen dramatically since 1991. In that year 9 million prescriptions were authorised, but by 2009 it had risen to 39.1 million. The data also shows that in England in the period of 2009-10, 11% of the population was diagnosed with depression.

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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Male Eating Disorders Unrecognised

According to the Royal College of General Practitioners eating disorders are going undetected in men. Apparently a doctor when faced with an abnormally thin male is likely to diagnose depression rather than anorexia or bullimia. Although NHS figures register a 66% rise in the past ten years in men being admitted to hospital for eating disorders, the charity BEAT says the NHS does not keep statistics for non-hospitalised sufferers and this could be the tip of the iceberg.

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