Friday, 25 February 2011

SLaM's dual OCD trials

The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder service for children and adolescents run by SLaM (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust) is the only one in the country that provides this range of treatments. It is currently running two trials which they hope will improve outcomes. One is assessing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) delivered by telephone and the other is investigating the prescribing of the drug D-Cycloserine.

Read the full article

Robbing Peter to pay Paul?

Mental health leaders are warning that adult mental health and social care services are at risk in the rush to address the targets for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). The government strategy No Health without Mental Health states that it is proven early intervention in childhood reduces mental health problems in adulthood and expects the NHS to prioritise CAMHS

Read the full article

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The family & future mental health

A report published by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)has criticised the government's new mental health strategy. It states that no provision has been made to tackle family breakdown which is a major cause of mental health problems in children and in adulthood. The report findings are in conclusion to a poll carried out on 1000 people affected by mental health problems of which 50% cited family breakdown as a causal.

Read the full article
Read the CSJ report

Mephedrone available on the Internet

The dance drug Mephedrone which was made illegal nearly a year ago is still available to buy on the Internet, according to a BBC Radio 5 Live investigation. Internet dealers are offering large quantities of the Class B drug along with others that are yet to be made illegal. Also other dealers are now selling Mephedrone in the hope of introducing users to hard drugs.

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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Does it cut both ways?

The government has announced its plans to boost the profile of mental health services to an equal footing with physical conditions. £400 million is to be injected with particular focus on child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). It is hoped that as well as reducing stigma, 1.2 million people will recover earlier than previously. However charities such as Young Minds have warned that the spending cuts elswhere, such as Sure Start centres, will undermine the strategy.

Read the Department of Health document
Read the charities reply