Thursday, 20 January 2011

Progress but no cure

Two studies describe new methods of detecting Alzheimer's disease. One, a blood test, hopes to indicate whether there is a predispostion towards dementia when older. The other, a scanning test,will allow early detection and subsequent treatment. However both studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association reiterate that they offer no more insight into a cure for Alzheimer's

Read the full article
Read the scanning test abstract
Read the blood test abstract

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Mental Health detention rises

There has been a large rise in the number of people being detained under the Mental Health Act in England. An increase of 30% on the 2008-9 period was recorded in 2009-10. For the first time in five years there was a rise in inpatient cases, data from the Information Centre showed.

Read the full report