Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Ecstasy use on the wane

An investigation by Radio 2's Newsbeat maintains that new alternatives such as mephadrone have replaced Ecstasy in Britain's night clubs. Dealers and law enforcement agencies say tighter controls on chemicals have contributed to a fall in production of the drug.

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Friday, 11 June 2010

Mental health failing autistic children

The National Autistic Society has published a report following a survey carried out on 450 parents of autistic children. The society is, as part of its campaign: You Need to Know, lobbying the government to improve Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for autistic children

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Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Mephedrone not to blame for teenage deaths

In the wake of the clubbing high mephadrone being made a Class B illegal drug, comes the news that toxicology tests have proved that the two teenagers thought have died as a direct results of using mephadrone, died from other causes. However expert opinion maintains that the ban was based on research rather than two isolated incidents.

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