Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Coalition of charities plan to improve mental health of young people

The Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition, is planning new strategies to improve the mental health of young people up to the age of 25. The fifteen charities involved are concerned that the stress affecting young people in the UK is not being adequately addressed

Reda the full article

Friday, 26 March 2010

Confident Communities, Brighter Futures

The Mental Health Division of the Department of Health has published a new report: Confident Communities, Brighter Futures: a framework for developing well being as part of the New Horizon: A Shared Vision for Mental Health strategy. It "sets out the argument and evidence base for prioritising well-being, and provides a systematic approach to selected evidence-based approaches and interventions that have been shown to be effective across the life course, and across key public health domains"
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Monday, 22 March 2010

Better treatment for depression needed say GPs

A survey rolled out by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has found that despite recommendations by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 65% of UK general practitioners do not initiate psychologcal therapies for depressed patients within two months. The survey was conducted in conjunction with the mental health charity MIND who are campagning for better therapy services.

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Friday, 19 March 2010

New report on criminal justice & mental health

The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has published a new report which confirms that mental health services and the criminal justice system have had more collaboration. However those who experience both services have had differing perceptions on the results

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Read the report

Monday, 1 March 2010

Dementia and stigma

A government survey has highlighted the stigma related to dementia. One in three people omitted to feeling uneasy in the company of a person suffering with dementia. To counteract this a new campaign has been launched involving people with dementia. The aim is to educate people as to how they can relate to and help dementia sufferers.

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